Skills Management Software vs Competency Management Software

October 11, 2021

Managing a workforce effectively can be a daunting task, especially with the ever-changing skills and competencies required in today's market. This is where HRM software comes into play. However, choosing between skills management and competency management software can be confusing, especially when they sound almost the same. In this blog post, we will compare the two to help you make an informed decision for your organizational needs.

Skills Management Software

Skills management software primarily focuses on employee skills, knowledge, and experience. It involves identifying employees' current skill level, tracking their progress, and planning their development to reach their full potential. Skills management software is essential for employers who want to ensure that they have the necessary talent pool to meet their business objectives.

Skills management software often includes the following features:

  • Skill assessment and gap analysis
  • Learning and development plans
  • Employee resume and skill profile management
  • Employee skill certification tracking
  • Competency-based job descriptions
  • Analytics and reporting

Competency Management Software

Competency management software, on the other hand, focuses on defining the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform a specific job effectively. This software is useful in identifying gaps and ensuring that the workforce has the necessary competencies to achieve the organization's goals.

Competency management software often includes the following features:

  • Competency framework development and management
  • Competency assessment and gap analysis
  • Learning and development plans
  • Career path planning
  • Succession planning
  • Analytics and reporting


After comparing the two HRM software, it is evident that they have a similar set of features. However, the primary difference is their focus. Skills management software emphasizes an employee-centric approach, while competency management software focuses on job requirements.

Skills management software is best suited for organizations that want to build their employees' skills to meet future business objectives. On the other hand, competency management software is best for organizations that require specific competencies and skills to perform their jobs effectively.


Both skills management and competency management software are essential for workforce management. When choosing between the two, it is essential to understand your organizational needs and goals. Organizations that prioritize employee development and growth can benefit from skills management software, while those that require specific competencies and skills can benefit from competency management software.

We hope this blog post has provided you with valuable insights to help you make an informed decision for your organization.


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